By Mark M. Simonian, M.D., F.A.A.P
Clovis Pediatrician
The substantial cost for hospital care of a child from a drowning injury is borne by the family and the community. At least 27 children were cared for in 1989 at gross costs of over one half million dollars (estimated regional care costs). Costs that were not paid are estimated to be 20 % or $101,250.
Chronic Care
These are just the immediate care costs during the hospitalization. Costs to care for those that have some degree of brain injury can range from $70,000 to $100,000 1 a year for chronic care. The average age of these children was 7 years with a high risk to die from secondary infections like pneumonia. Now, injured children live longer because of better medications and better technology. Unfortunately, brain injured children may not live a productive life. Some live in a vegetative state, only barely aware of what goes on around them.
Emotional Costs
Costs to the family are staggering in personal and financial ways. Parents of children requiring chronic care have higher risks of divorce, because of increased financial pressures and efforts required for care. Many parents blame the other for the injury, although it was only caused by a lapse in attention or supervision of one or both parents for a few minutes. Even for those families who have the financial resources to pay for 24-hour-a-day care when it’s needed, chronic care facilities for these children may be a challenge to find.
Surviving drowning-injured children ages 1 to 5 years account for the single largest group to be admitted to chronic care facilities. In fact, the largest group of brain injured children admitted to chronic care facilities are victims of drowning in 1989.
Prevention lowers emotional and financial costs
To hopefully reduce the costs of care, the Water Safety Councils community goals are to reduce the number of drownings by better prevention through increased barrier use, improved awareness of risks, and access to CPR.
1. Hospitalizations for Near Drowning in California: Incidence and Costs Arthur A. Ellis, MA4, and Roger B. Trent, PhD, American Journal of Public Health, August 1985, Vol. 85, No. 8. 1115-1118